About Joel Sanders

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So far Joel Sanders has created 2 blog entries.
13 03, 2017

3 Skills Every Coach & Trainer Can Implement On DAY ONE

2017-07-10T02:13:51-05:00By |

Coaching for Newbies Every coach has been there - It’s your first day. You’re standing on the training floor watching a group of athletes or a new client. You don’t know whether to cross your arms, put them behind your back, or take a knee and observe from a lower altitude.  You [...]

20 07, 2016

The Ultimate Resource Guide for Strength and Conditioning Interns

2020-07-08T09:21:39-05:00By |

I’ve seen hundreds of strength and conditioning interns over the past 10 years and it almost never fails that the best ones simply read more than the more average interns. There is no better way for strength and conditioning interns  to fast-track their knowledge and skill set than to devour information. That’s [...]


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