“After you’ve been in fitness for half your life, you start to think you know how to do things. Then somebody like John Rusin comes along and suddenly you get the crummy feeling that there are a lot of things you don’t know how to do. Damn John Rusin.”
TC Luoma,

“It has been a pleasure getting to know John and see his work. He is not bound by dogma, and continues combine creativity with sound and scientifically accurate info to create fantastic results!”
John Meadows,
Founder of
“Over the past few years Dr.John Rusin is one of the few guys that really made me learn more about the various aspects of training. In our day and age it is rare to find a combination of no-nonsense, knowledgeable and genuine expert that not only talk/write a good game, but get real life results. John is one of those exceptional people and you would do well to soak up all the info he presents!”
Christian Thibaudeau
Strength Coach, Training Expert, Contributor at T-Nation

“John Rusin has burst onto the health and fitness scene as an authoritative source of information for no-nonsense training and rehab concepts that’s rarely ever blended as effectively as the approach John takes with his work. Whether building strength, adding muscle, getting ready for performance, or having your joints not hate your face, Dr. Rusin’s your guy.”
Dean Somerset,
BSc. Kinesiology, CEP, CSCS, MEPD

“Dr Rusin is a clinician who also understands the tools from the strength and conditioning world together with the knowhow to blend them together. Performance enhancement and injury resilience is his forte.”
Professor Stuart McGill,
Author of Back Mechanic
“I’ve found one ongoing problem in the clinical industry is a detachment from proper strength and conditioning directives to help accelerate a proper rehab process. Dr. John Rusin bridges this gap in a very comprehensive way. His information hits home for me, and has influenced not only my own training, but the work I do with clients. I constantly recommend his work as a reliable resource for actionable training information.”
Lee Boyce,
Strength Coach, Internationally published fitness writer
“I have a ton of respect for John as someone who’s able to bridge the gap between the strength & conditioning side of the fence and the physical therapy side. The two go hand-in-hand, and it’s refreshing to see a doctor who can use both hats seamlessly…and be an advocate for each. He’s the man! Plus, he’s bald. How could you not want to listen to him?”
Tony Gentilcore, CSCS,

“Dr. John has played a pivotal roll in my performance throughout my playing years and now into my new physical challenges as an executive. His impressive mastery of the human body and its movements create the perfect environment for health, performance and overall wellness. From strength training to physical therapy, John has kept me at the top of my game, brought me back from debilitating injuries and taught me a lot along the way.”
Mark Prior, MLB All-Star
“There’s no better compliment than having the opportunity to work with and learn from a role model within the industry. To have the opportunity to work with John as part of a joint project, as well as have the chance to chat with him on his podcast was an eye opening experience for me as a trainer and business owner. The time and dedication John puts into developing his programs is unlike anything I’ve seen from any other coach within the industry and his astounding list of published articles speak for themselves. Making the decision to invest in a coach can be a challenging choice, but with John it’s certain you will be in good hands and see the results you’re working for! His willingness to help spread and share information to maximize your results goes to show his passion for health and fitness and his passion for what he does is undeniable.”
Kalli Youngstrom
Fitness, Diet & Lifestyle Coach

“Dr. John Rusin is unmatched when it comes to building muscle for longevity and orthopedic health. If you want a better physique while decreasing nagging aches and pains and risk of injury, John is the man to follow. Having followed John’s programming personally, I can attest to both its effectiveness in both looking better and feeling great. John is truly at the forefront of his field.”
Ryan DeBell, M.S., D.C
The Movement Fix
“My training had been very powerlifting-specific for over a year in preparation for my first competition. After the meet, I wanted to give my body (and my mind) a short break and a chance to recharge my battery before my next competition. I decided to hop on Dr. John Rusin’s Functional Hypertrophy Training program for one very specific reason: he’s an industry leader when it comes to sports performance, physical fitness and rehabilitation. I’m extremely selective when choosing a training program for myself, but John and his work definitely fit the bill in an overwhelming fashion here. I’ve been very happy with the results from training on the FHT program, from the incredibly detailed coaching notes he provides to the exercise video tutorials and personal touch. This program is loaded with helpful information and content. FHT gives you the necessary toolbox to train hard in the gym and recover intelligently in between sessions. I give this program my highest recommendation.”
Matthew Ibrahim,
Movement Resilience

“What truly set Dr. John Rusin apart was his deep understanding and passion for my training after my injury had healed in order to prevent future injuries and keep my competing at the highest level possible. With Dr. John, I have been able to stay injury free while competing at my highest level of all time.”
Kelly Hooper,
Ironman 2015 All-World Athlete
“Dr. John Rusin is one of sharpest minds in the fitness industry. By combining his experience as a Strength and Conditioning Coach and now, a Sports Performance Physical therapist, John truly bridges the gap unlike any other between high performance training and cutting edge physical therapy.”
Erich Bach,
Bach Performance

“Being a new father comes with many challenges: one being able to plan a workout schedule and sticking to it, given the unpredictability that parenthood brings. Mentally I was at a place where I knew I didn’t have the energy to plan my own workouts and just wanted to follow a program by someone I can trust—Dr. John Rusin was that trusted someone. I have been following his work for quite some time now, so when the opportunity came to give his Functional Hypertrophy Training program a try, it was a no brainer. Given John’s knowledge and background in sports performance, fitness, and rehabilitation, his program offers a nice blend of strength training protocols and recovery methods to help you train pain-free. The exercise video tutorials and information that’s provided are very helpful in guiding you through the program, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a challenge. Overall, I’m very happy with my progress and you will be too.”
Johnny Tea,
Strength CoachManual Therapist
“When I’m at home in San Diego looking to set a new CrossFit PR or when I’m deployed at sea for months at a time looking to get the edge in my training under huge constraints of time and equipment, Dr. John has produced epic results for my physical fitness and performance.”
Officer, U.S. Navy

“Dr. John has literally brought me back from orthopedic hell on multiple occasions both with his hands on therapy and remote coaching programs and exercise techniques. From getting me back on the road after traumatic injury to working with me to develop personalized triathlon programs to fit my insanely busy schedule, Dr. John has done it all.”
Corporate CEO
“Dr. John continues to make waves in the fitness and physical therapy industries with his work in self-manual therapy and exercise programming. He is changing the game by bringing the skills needed to stay healthy and perform at your highest level to you, no matter where your geographical location.”
Erson Religioso,
The Manual Therapist and Edge Mobility Systems

“When it comes to trainers, physical therapists, and strength coaches, Dr. John Rusin truly stands in a class of his own. Not only is he a brilliant writer and phenomenal hands-on practitioner but the information and knowledge he provides to his athletes, readers and fellow trainers is enlightening motivating, and nothing short of pure genius. He is truly changing the fitness industry from the inside out by revolutionizing how we think of training, therapy, and strength and conditioning. With his revolutionary approach and results-driven methods it comes as no surprise that Dr. John Rusin is considered one of the top kinesiology minds not only in this country but throughout the world. His impact on the field of practically applied kinesiology will be felt for decades to come.”
Joel D. Seedman, Ph.D. Kinesiology
“Few people in this industry can be considered experts in rehabilitation, fitness, and strength & conditioning the way John is. His truly comprehensive approach to improving human performance has always impressed me. John is someone I fully trust as a source of knowledge and reason amongst the noise surrounding performing, looking, and feeling better.”
Timothy DiFrancesco,
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the LA Lakers

“I make a point to seek every opportunity that I get to learn from and engage with John Rusin. John provides expertise that is second to none acquired through both theoretical learning as well as practical disciplines. It’s always so refreshing how he approaches each lesson with a “no-bs” mentality. When Rusin speaks, it’s a good idea to not only listen but take notes!”
David Pitts
Off Day Trainer
“I give props to anyone who can bleed the line between the weight room and the therapy table. John does it flawlessly. His techniques and methods WORK. No fluff. He’s got the antidote for athletes, meatheads, and gym rats that want to look, feel, and perform – BETTER.”
Joel Sanders
Strength & Conditioning Coach

“John Rusin is a breath of fresh air in strength and conditioning. Like me, he sees the value in simple exercises, quality movement, and consistency. Combine this with a deep knowledge of human movement and exercise physiology and you have Dr. John Rusin.”
Max Shank,
Published Fitness Author
“Ever since our first conversation, bouncing strength preparation ideas back and forth, it has been a bromance! It is refreshing to have a PT friend that gets real strength and lives it!”
Donnie ‘SuperD’ Thompson
Former Arena Football League Center
Powerlifter & Strength Performance Expert

“In an industry filled with false claims and general douchebaggery, Dr. John Rusin is a beacon of heavily muscled light. His passion for getting you bigger, stronger, and healthier is a combination of the sweat, and effort of old school bodybuilding, combined with the most scientifically advanced techniques in training and therapy. I’m convinced that Dr. J is not human, but a cyborg sent back in time to put his boot in the ass of the fitness industry, while simultaneously raising the quality of trainers across the globe. All Hail.”
Nate Palmer
N8 Training Systems
Head Ninja at N8 Training Systems

“I value quality information that fit pros can take action on right away that will instantaneously help their clients. Dr. John Rusin’s methods are leading in the industry, and he is the perfect resource for the thinking personal trainer and strength coach looking to combine the fields of physical therapy and strength and conditioning in a seamless way.”
Jon Goodman
ThePTDC.com, Best-Selling Fitness Author
“John is one of my go-to guys in regards to proper biomechanics and movement execution. John’s knowledge of prehabilitation, rehabilitation, and his ability to mesh all of those things and apply them into the world of hypertrophy, strength, and athletic development are second to none. One of the best guys in his field without question.”
Paul Carter