About Dr. John Rusin

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So far Dr. John Rusin has created 100 blog entries.
20 02, 2017
  • mixed grip deadlift

Stop Deadlifting With A Mixed Grip

2018-01-13T09:04:42-06:00By |

You're Deadlifting With The Wrong Grip To Build Strength & Resilience If you've been strength training for long enough, chances are you've been dogmatically taught to only barbell deadlift with a mixed grip. Not only does the alternating hand position utilizing one underhand and one overhand grip place you at a higher risk [...]

15 02, 2017
  • achy shoulders

The One Exercise That Will Fix Your Achy Shoulders Forever

2018-01-13T09:05:02-06:00By |

Build Your Upper Back To Save Your Shoulders With the rising incidence of chronic shoulder pain and dysfunction running ramped throughout the active population, something needs to be done to protect and rebuild healthy and pain-free shoulders. The actual mechanism of generalized front sided shoulder pain can stem from a host of postural [...]

30 01, 2017
  • lateral shoulder raise

You’re Doing Lateral Shoulder Raises Wrong

2018-01-13T09:06:34-06:00By |

If the only thing that you achieve by cranking out endless sets of dumbbell lateral raises is broken down and achy shoulders, chances are you are training this movement totally wrong. Before you throw away the lateral raise for good deeming it an "inherently dangerous" movement for the shoulders, you better do your homework [...]

25 01, 2017
  • 6 foundational movement patterns

6 Foundational Movements That Every Person On Earth Needs To Master

2018-01-13T09:06:42-06:00By |

There's No Faking The Mastery of Foundational Movement Patterns While there are no "exercises" that are absolute necessities in smart strength training programs, there are six foundational movement patterns that every single person walking the earth should be able to develop, load and master. And yes, I mean everyone. These fundamental movement [...]

23 01, 2017
  • rear delt shoulders

6 Staple Movements For Bigger, Healthier Shoulders

2018-01-13T09:06:53-06:00By |

Intelligently Build Your Shoulders To Get Out of Pain If you want shoulders that aren't chronically broken down and pissed off, you better hammer the backsides of your shoulders with concentrated volume and emphasis every day you walk into the gym. Think of building a thick upper back and big, round shoulders [...]

18 01, 2017
  • heavy strength

4 Ways To Get Strong & Stay Healthy Without Lifting More Weight

2018-01-13T09:07:07-06:00By |

Getting Stronger Without Adding Weight To The Bar It’s been ingrained in our psyches for ages; the thought that if you aren’t adding weight to the bar, you are NOT getting stronger. But unless you are stepping onto the platform with competition goals any time soon, absolute strength should only be a [...]

4 01, 2017
  • foam rolling

The 4 Best “Foam Rolling” Drills That Actually Work

2018-01-13T09:10:32-06:00By |

The Foam Roller Isn't Just For Traditional Self-Myofascial Release Just because you are using a foam roller as a tool doesn’t necessarily mean that movement should be considered a self-myofascial releases (SMR) technique. This may be hard for some of you overly touchy feely soft tissue zealots to conceptualize, but the foam [...]

28 12, 2016

Top 25 Female Fitness Coaches To Follow in 2017

2018-01-13T09:10:46-06:00By |

There are some absolutely amazing females in the fitness industry. These women are incredibly knowledgable, experienced, empowering, are constantly learning, and are incredibly strong, and deserve the same amount of respect and coverage as their male counterparts. While I have a massive amount of respect for all of the amazing male coaches in [...]


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