Stop Deadlifting With A Mixed Grip

You’re Deadlifting With The Wrong Grip To Build Strength & Resilience
If you’ve been strength training for long enough, chances are you’ve been dogmatically taught to only barbell deadlift with a mixed grip. Not only does the alternating hand position utilizing one underhand and one overhand grip place you at a higher risk for shoulder, biceps and elbow injuries during your pulls, it may actually be limiting your strength development and ability to generate authentic power.
Here’s why I do NOT program the mixed grip with my athletes and general fitness clients, and even recommend that my powerlifters and barbell sport athletes spend a vast majority of their deadlift volume using the double overhand grip to build strength, symmetry and resilience against injuries.
The Problem With The Mixed Grip For The Deadlift
The most common problem with the mixed grip deadlift is the vulnerable position it places the underhand side into at the shoulder girdle. As the shoulder externally rotates and hand supinates to achieve the underhand grip, the shoulder is thrown into a more forwardly protracted position.
This forward shoulder position in combination with a supinated hand position places increased stress through the biceps group, especially the long head of the biceps that crosses the front side of the true shoulder joint aka the gleno-humeral joint.
While deadlifting in the power and strength schemes that involves heavy loading is hugely advantageous to forge coordinated full body strength, the mixed grip creates an instant “weak link” in the kinetic chain. This weak link commonly shows up at the underhand side shoulder and elbow, and even has the ability to alter the pillar’s ability to recruit synergistic torque and tension throughout the entire kinetic chain. This setup is a huge player in the incidence of biceps tendon injuries in the sport of powerlifting.
It’s clear that some athletes thrive on asymmetries, especially on the powerlifting platform just due to the sheer popularity of this hand position in competition to increase totals off the floor. But it’s important to differentiate between training and competition, even for athletes planning on entering meets.
Training provides athletes and lifters the opportunity to strengthen movement patterns, improve weak links and enhance the neurological effects of compound movements. This is why even our athletes competing and focusing on powerlifting do NOT use the mixed grip routinely in their training and pre-meet prep.
Placing your training volume predominantly in your “strongest” position aka the mixed grip, leaves little room for peaking and progression, and can actually limit authentic strength development. As our athletes come closer to peaking for a competition, we do re-implement the mixed grip, but do so knowing very well that we improved the double overhand deadlift first to provide true symmetrical strength and power development that will have a better chance being transferred into that athlete’s movement library for the long term.
Here’s how we perfect the double overhand grip for barbell deadlifting, and why it should be the go-to hand position for general fitness clients, veteran lifters and strength athletes alike.
Deadlifting With The Double Overhand Grip
The double overhand grip not only provides a more symmetrical setup for strength athletes that are predominantly training to improve their totals, but also for the average lifter who has goals of getting progressively stronger while staying resilient against injuries.
While the double overhand grip is going to be “weaker” than it’s counterpart, the mixed grip, for most lifters, this is actually an advantage once again to cleaning up weaknesses and preventing injuries. There has been a lot of research showing the correlation between a person’s grip strength and their full body strength capacity. Simply put, the stronger we can build an athletes grip, the higher their strength and power potential will be.
With more programming and movement variations geared towards improving grip strength in coordination with peak tension and stability throughout the pillar (shoulders, hips and core functioning together), we can limit loads that would otherwise be moved with heavy compensation patterns and loss of positional authority at the spine, pelvis, shoulders and hips. This self-limiting nature of the deadlift and other compound movement patterns make damn sure that building strength is not only adding poundage to the bar, but rather something that maintains proper biomechanics, feel and function of movement.
To get started with the double overhand grip, check out the simple test to determine your optimal grip width setup. Here’s a step by step to perfect your overhand grip setup:
- Place your feet hip width apart
- Extend your arms down to your side with straight elbows
- Extend your thumbs towards the sides of your thighs
- Contact your thumbs on the lateral side of your thighs
- Take the distance between your two index fingers
- This distance is your theoretical overhand grip width
Cueing The Double Overhand Grip For Deadlifting
Once you determine your theoretical starting overhand position for the deadlift, feel free to alter it slightly by going a bit wider or more narrow to enhance the feel of this movement. Customize this hand position to your body, and remember that a small change in your grip width for the double overhand position goes a long way.
If you are having trouble maximizing your grip during the barbell pull, a powerful cue to tap into the “irradiation effect” of the upper extremities and hands during deadlifting is achieving a co-contraction between the pecs and lats. Many times we cue our lifters to “stay tight at the lats” but this can be difficult to fully achieve without also thinking about the tension through the pecs.
Because both the lats and pecs are big dynamic movers of the shoulder in addition to being powerful stabilizers of the shoulder and thoracic cage alike, it would be negligent not to tap into the power of the pecs. Simply cue your athletes to squeeze BOTH the pecs and lats as hard as they can. You’ll quickly see that the shoulders will centrate more authentically moving into slight internal rotation, while also depressing to place all the scapular stabilizers and small intrinsic muscles of the shoulder blade and gleno-humeral joint. This is the perfect position to pull from to maintain integrity of the pillar even under heavy loading.
Use this setup and cue, and remember, squeeze the barbell as hard as you can, stay tight through the shoulders and drive up explosively to build pain-free strength with this deadlift setup!
About The Author
Dr. John Rusin is an internationally recognized coach, physical therapist, speaker, and writer. Dr. John has coached some of the world’s most elite athletes, including Gold Medalist Olympians, NFL All-Pros, MLB All-Stars, Professional Bodybuilders, World-Record Holding Powerlifters, National Level Olympic Lifters and All-World IronMan Triathletes.
Along with his impressive coaching accolades, Dr. John and his innovative methods have been regularly featured in some of the most widely regarded media outlets in the industry like Men’s Fitness, Shape Magazine, Testosterone Nation, and to name a few.
Dr. Rusin is the leading pioneer in the fitness and sports performance industries in smart pain-free performance programming that achieves world class results while preventing injuries in the process. Dr. John’s methods are showcased in his 12-Week Functional Hypertrophy Training Program that combines the very best from athletic performance training, powerlifting, bodybuilding and preventative physical therapy to produce world-class results without pain and injuries.
What about alternating the supinated hand? Would that eliminate the imbalance or just damage both shoulders?
This is a great question. As many will tell you, it’s VERY hard to alternate as the mixed grip is a skill. It would actually place both of your shoulders into vulnerable positions routinely, and may be tough to get a feel for on the off hand. My rec is for active population to double overhand grip, and for powerlifters to use the double overhand, and also the mixed closer to comp.
I don’t buy it…full compensatory mobility will take care of any would be pending mixed grip ills
It’s really not about “mobility” but resilience in positions that extend the biceps into stress. One of the reasons we have metabolic-stress based direct biceps training in many of our athletes that choose to train with mixed grip.
I alternate hands. Over 500 lbs, it’s too easy for the bar to start slipping off one hand if both are overhand grip. Maybe my grip isn’t strong enough.
There’s no problem pulling out the mixed grip for huge efforts, but it shouldn’t be the ONLY grip you use.
Should the bar be on floor or on those two plastic sections?
When doing the deadlifts…
Depends on your ability to pull from the ground with good form and a neutral spine
Dr. Rusin,
I agree with much of what you shared in the article, and found it well written. One remark I am having difficulty understanding is “As the shoulder externally rotates and hand supinates to achieve the underhand grip, the shoulder is thrown into a more forwardly protracted position”. My understanding of the shoulder, while it is limited, would lead me to believe that glenohumeral external rotation would lead to scapulothoracic retraction. Would you mind to clarify this point?
Not when pulled into protraction under loading. Good question, this isn’t passive positioning, this is loaded training.
So a loaded shoulder with more glenohumeral external rotation will demonstrate more scapolothoracic protraction than a loaded shoulder with more relative glenohumeral internal rotation?
Very true. I have the very same question and it’s yet not clear
While I do all my ramp up sets with double overhand, I don’t like my grip being the limiting factor that prevents me from ramping to a heavy single. I’ve been experimenting with the hook grip (used to do Olympic lifting). Painful on the thumbs but feels great on the shoulders. I can pull the same with the hook as with mixed. Any problems with the hook grip other than sore thumbs?
Good alternative! And hell, straps may be a help too if you want to stay overhand without killing your thumbs 😉
What are your thoughts on using straps?
Sure thing, just don’t depend on them!
Thank you for the time and well written article. I specifically enjoyed the mind set of dynamically involving both Pec and Lat muscle group during the over hand grip technique utilization (like a vice clamping down on a object).
This may also help clear up my patients training difficulties regarding a “hip twisting” effect which can plague them during their end of regime sets/reps; garbage time as I call it-as their focus/energy lessens, the lifting technique is compromised.
Keep up the good work! Will be following your blog in the near future.
Thanks so much, means a lot Kevin!!
How do you fix muscle imbalances caused by years of deadlifting with an alternating grip on one side, and why is is that I feel pain on the side with the overhand grip?
Focus on rebuilding the upper back and shoulders now with proper volumes and emphasis. And if pain persists, go and get a check out from a movement based healthcare professional.
I’m very happy with this. Work to build up grip strength with warm up sets and save the mixed grip for my heaviest effort. Then gradually increase the weight of the warm ups until one day my old heaviest effort will be possible double overhand.
That’s exactly right, if you sprinkle in mixed around true max efforts no problem! People get into trouble when it’s ALL the time no matter what for year, decades or multiple decades.
Mr Russin,
Thanks for your great article. I want to ask that whether or not U can use hook grip. Because it hurts with big weights. What should I do ? Should I use mixed grip only when I use big weights ?
Thanks for your articles again.
Thanks so much! I recommend using double overhand until grip becomes limiting factor. Then mixed grip sprinkled in or straps work well. Hook grip is brutal on the hands and doesn’t fit into my “pain-free training” mentality.
Dr. Rusin is great, again and again trying to help people lift safely and at the same type develop their skills in strength building Thanks Dr. Rusin
Dr Rusin,
Thank you for this article, been very useful in identifying certain imbalances related to the mixed grip, So am basically a sprinter and have been lifting around 2.6 times my body weight on Deadlifts over the course of the last 3 years with a MIXED GRIP, and I can see one of my shoulders is actually lower than the other ( lateromedial force) and it’s twisted more towards one side of the side ( torsional force).
So what I have noticed is that I tend to have better form and feel quicker while running on the bend in a 200m than on a straight, without me realising I tend to tilt my body towards my left ( the naturally shoulder elevated side) while running the 200m and find my hip extension and shoulder movement a lot more freely than a straight where I feel restricted. just look at me it’s clear there is a severe imbalance as I can feel it during the way I stand or walk or run, as one shoulder drops or I tend to stand on one leg etc etc.
How exactly do I correct this? like I have been doing things the wrong for a very long time now, how do I make it go back to normal? Thank you
Would you possibly have a video version (or can you detail this out a bit more?) of the “simple test to determine your optimal grip width setup”? I was confused by the last 2 points of the description:
-Take the distance between your two index fingers (?? — not sure what you mean here)
-This distance is your theoretical overhand grip width
Dr. Rusin,
Interesting article. I am a competitive natural bodybuilder. I deadlift for strength, as well as conditioning. I agree with staying double overhand, as long as possible. I usually alternate my grip on my 405 set.
Your reasoning makes a lot of sense. The longer/heavier you can stay double overhand, the better for increasing your strength.
Very interesting post! I mix grip all the time and now have a chronic shoulder issue on my underhand grip side. Reading this was the first time I clued in hay my deadlift shoulder position could be a culprit. I’m female…and super tiny 4’11” with hobbit size hands. I started doing mix grip because I can barely wrap my hands around the bar. I read a lot of powerlifting article and most seem to be written by larger guys who probably never had to deal with this. Any suggestions for a small human who wants to improve their form while training with equipment that’s obviously been designed for average to larger size people? I encounter this frustration with a lot of equipment actually.
Like Andy, I alternate my mixed grip. I do so for my last two sets and use double overhand for the first few sets. I have noticed how the load is also transferred to the opposite leg of the supinated hand, and wonder about using this to an advantage for those with assymetries. Have you look into this? So far I like to use split trapbar deadlifts for this purpose, but wonder if a mixed grip could be beneficial as well?
Great article…but wouldn’t it be better to use a trap bar instead and ditch the regular barbell for non powerlifting people. By doing this, you would avoid this problem completely.
Not necessarily, trap bar can be a good fit for some people (we have articles right on this site for WHO specifically) but there are advantages for hinging with a barbell with RDL or deadlift variations.
As a “Dr” your calves should not look like shit, bruh!
I am 52, my sleep is not good and that is why i am not recovering between sessions. For the Deadlift i use the hook grip with an olympic bar (Which is thinner than a powerlifting bar) and i made calluses on my two thumbs. On 29th of July 2020 i had to attempt a PR for the Deadlift. It was a very hot day at my home gym and i was very tired. But i had to complete the workout for that day. Even for the warm-up sets it was painful to hold the bar with the hook grip. For the work-set (PR) when i tried to lift the weight, my back rounded and i decided to drop the bar before it got over the knees. I supposed that this happened because i was tired or/and because of the grip not being strong enough and i could not focus on my back. After resting for 6 minutes i attempted a second set with a mixed grip. The lift was successful with good technique and with no pain. BUT the next day i had some issues around the elbow of the hand that was supinated for the DL. I don’t have severe pain. When i bend the hand more than 90 degrees i feel discomfort and i can’t point exactly were this comes from (Lower bicep or upper forearm) and i also feel discomfort at the front upper and back upper forearm. I feel stiffness in my lower bicep. After a few days i did my normal Bench pressing routine. The next day after that i felt more irritated. I rested for 2 weeks without doing anything but walking. The first days of the 2 week period, i felt better when bending the arm (More than 90 degrees) but after that it was not getting better. It remaind the same. So i decided to get back to training. I used lighter weights (About 60%) that made me feel some discomfort but not much pain, for a set of 5 reps and trying to add 5 pounds in a Linear Progression. Some hours after each workout and the next day it gets more irritated, but after one more day it gets into the same situation as before working out. That’s my strategy. That’s how i keep on going for the last 20 days. What do you think about that. Can you tell me with your experience what is the problem and what to do? I have not been to a doctor yet, because the only doctor’s we have on this Greek island are Shitty Doctors that will tell me to stop training! The next days i will get a diagnosis and will update you with that