Hands-On SMR: Vastus Medialis Obliquus

Here’s What You Need To Know…
1. The VMO is one of the most critical stabilizers of the knee. Unless you are training for purely aesthetics trying to achieve the optimal teardrop shape of the muscle belly, the firing pattern and activation of the VMO is what is most important. These two things can be achieved with Hands-On SMR!
2. The VMO has a tendency to get sticky to two other quadriceps muscles, the vastus intermedius and sometimes even the rectus femoris. Both of these muscles play important roles in hip stabilization and knee mobility, so breaking up the neurological connections is key, especially on the medial boarder of the upper leg.
3. Give this Hands-On SMR Technique a try post-workout anytime you are putting an emphasis on the lower body, and more specifically quadriceps dominant movement patterns.
In a matter of 2 minutes, you can increase your functionality and improve your recovery time. Use 5-8 passes on each VMO for best results.
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