About Dr. John Rusin

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So far Dr. John Rusin has created 100 blog entries.
28 01, 2018
  • recovery

The 12 Most Effective Ways To Spark The Recovery Process

2022-03-26T17:07:18-05:00By |

The landscape in the world of sports performance and fitness is changing. With the injury and burnout rates across an alarmingly wide spectrum of populations on the rise, we are battling to keep our society healthy, functioning and progressing towards achieving longevity in their physical practices of choice and beyond. But [...]

7 01, 2018

Fix Your Big Lifts Fast With The RNT Method

2021-09-08T11:32:33-05:00By |

The big compound lifts are some of the most technically advanced movements in the gym that need to be learned, mastered and maintained over time to continue to progress while staying injury-free in the process. But as every serious strength athlete knows, there are times in your lifting career when your [...]

17 12, 2017
  • injury prevention screen

Prevent Training Injuries With These 3 Quick Movement Screens

2018-01-13T08:58:42-06:00By |

Do You Screen For Injury Risk In Training? The first tenet of training is to do no harm to your client. While most coaches and trainers shrug off this golden rule of fitness, many professionals in our industry truly don’t fully understand nor appreciate the depth of importance of the “do no [...]

4 12, 2017
  • box squat

4 Reasons You Need To Box Squat

2018-01-13T08:59:08-06:00By |

The box squat is one of the most underutilized tools in the gym that has the ability to rebuild your squat pattern from the ground up while adding a safe spark to your explosive strength and power work. But simply put, the box squat has gained the notorious reputation for being an [...]

13 09, 2017
  • reverse band

How To Use The Lightening Band aka Reverse Band Method

2021-02-24T16:41:59-06:00By |

How The Reverse Band Method Works Bands are one of the single most underutilized tools in strength and performance training. Simply put, athletes and lifters that have neglected the unique and powerful benefits of banded barbell work are leaving a huge amount of performance on the table. This couldn't be any [...]

30 08, 2017
  • landmine

The 5 Best Landmine Exercises You Aren’t Doing

2018-01-13T08:59:54-06:00By |

The Landmine: The Most Underutilized Setup In Strength The landmine setup is one of the single most effective strength training tools in the industry, but sadly it's hugely under-valued and highly underutilzed. By simply placing one end of a barbell stabilized into a corner of a room or in a specialty landmine [...]

23 08, 2017
  • banded pallof overhead press combo

The Banded Pallof Overhead Press Combo

2018-01-13T09:00:03-06:00By |

Your Core Needs More Stability To Display It's Strength If you are inherently frail and weak, you truly have no business implementing direct dynamic core work into your programming with the goal of eliciting a training effect. Dynamic core work like crushes, sit-ups and side bends using loads and intensity have minimal [...]

19 07, 2017
  • squat vs hip hinge

The Squat vs. The Hip Hinge: Know The Difference

2022-02-22T08:22:10-06:00By |

Struggling To Stay Healthy While Progressing Your Squats & Deadlifts? The squat and the "deadlift" AKA hip hinge patterns are the cornerstone of foundational and fundamental lower body movement. They have the ability to develop resilient strength, enhance performance and help prevent chronic and traumatic injuries from occurring. As powerful as these two movements are, [...]

5 07, 2017
  • pull down and apart

The Most Effective Pull Apart For Strong & Stable Shoulders

2018-01-13T09:02:00-06:00By |

Feeling Band Pull Aparts In Your Traps? You're Doing Them Wrong If you want to build strong and healthy shoulders, the band pull apart needs to be a staple movement in your dynamic warm up preparation, period. Though this pain-free shoulder movement (along with it's sibling the banded face pull) is responsible [...]

26 06, 2017
  • trap bar

The 6 Best Trap Bar Exercises You Aren’t Using

2021-11-12T13:29:06-06:00By |

The Trap Bar Is More Than Just A Tool For Deadlifting Chances are you've used the trap bar to deadlift, but it would be foolish to think that this versatile piece of equipment's use is just limited to lifting heavy off the floor. Due to it's unique shape, size and handle placement, the [...]


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