22 06, 2015

How to Stay Strong, Healthy and Lean While Traveling

2020-07-25T16:48:55-05:00By |

This week's guest article comes from a coach who has truly walked the walk over the course of his career.  Chad Rodgers is a retired professional baseball player who is using his unique life's experience in high performance athletics to make a difference in his client's lifestyle and training strategies. No [...]

2 06, 2015

8 Prehab-Rehab Exercises To Bulletproof Your Shoulders

2020-07-28T10:38:42-05:00By |

We've got the hybrid strength coach himself, Matthew Ibrahim, back on JRx today with another gem of a guest article! We are talking about prehab-rehab which is a staple topic here on DrJohnRusin.com! From the floods of emails and rave reviews of Matt's last article focusing on corrective exercises for the [...]

20 04, 2015

No-Pain, More-Gain Shoulder Superset

2020-07-28T12:01:15-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. The most notorious suspect for front-sided shoulder pain in the gym is the bench press, and its many variations. Ask yourself the question, is the bench causing you more pain than the gains that it is yielding? 2. Here's why your shoulder hurt; your program ratios are off,  your training [...]

8 04, 2015

Lower Body Finisher Superset For Hypertrophy

2020-07-27T12:48:14-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Lower body training is inherently nasty, especially when trained passionately to the edge of failure multiple times during a single session and involving the Bulgarian Split Squat. 2. The addition of a final superset that manipulates both position and tempo to put the finishing [...]

22 03, 2015

Practice Pain-Free Strength with The Trap Bar Deadlift

2020-10-09T14:45:26-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Al Gerard, a banged up competitive powerlifter who continued to pursue his muscle mission originated the trap bar deadlift in 1985 to take the stress off the lower back while still moving some serious iron. 2. When compared to the straight barbell deadlift, the [...]

7 03, 2015
  • active recovery

Maximizing Your Active Recovery Days

2018-01-13T09:43:27-06:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. On paper, an "off" day can mean a few different things to different people based on their idea of what an off day should entail! But if you place performance at a premium, active recovery should become routine. 2. For avid strength athletes who predominantly [...]

11 02, 2015

Learn To Pack The Shoulder For Pain-Free Pressing

2020-07-21T09:42:34-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Shoulder pain is climbing the ranks as one of the most common orthopedic conditions diagnosed and treated in today's medical community. 2. A combination of bad posture and the rise of hand held technologies can be to blame for this epidemic of shoulder, neck [...]

4 01, 2015

Save Your Spine with the Trap Bar Romanian Deadlift

2020-08-03T10:04:17-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Due to traditional Romanian Deadlift's (RDL) front loaded nature and the long lever arms, improper form is common and can be debilitating for lower back pain and serious lumbar injury. 2. With the necessary muscle building loads remaining near maximal, and the negative lumbar shear forces reduced, the [...]

4 01, 2015

Top 5 Glute Activation Techniques

2020-07-29T16:26:33-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. After desk jockeying 40+ hours a week, some serious glute work is necessary to get ready to perform.  You got that right, you sitting on your ass is literally stealing your gains by deactivating one of the strongest groups of muscles in your body. 2. Activation [...]

4 01, 2015


2020-08-03T10:01:54-05:00By |

HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW -Al Gerard, a banged up competitive powerlifter who continued to pursue his muscle mission originated the trap bar in 1985 to take the stress off the lower back while still moving some serious iron. -When compared to the straight barbell deadlift, the trap bar deadlift seems [...]


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