27 06, 2016

The Truth About Training For Toned Arms

2020-07-07T14:48:17-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. In today's fitness industry, women are mislead into thinking that they must protect their bodies against meaningful strength training to avoid getting too bulky and masculine. But when it comes to achieving "toned arms" fluffy sets of 100 curls with the pink dumbbells just [...]

13 06, 2016

3 Master Principles For Older Lifters

2020-07-09T10:47:27-05:00By |

Here's What You  Need To Know... 1. If you want to stay healthy and lift forever, older lifters need to start differentiating between wants and needs. Prioritizing strength and power while placing mobility and general health and fitness on the back burner is not the recipe for long term success. 2. Ignoring [...]

6 06, 2016

Why Getting Strong Will Get You Hurt

2020-07-09T12:55:02-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. In an ego-driven fitness industry fueled on testosterone and stupidity, it begs the question, how strong is strong enough? If you want to lift for the long haul, you better be asking these questions or dare to pay the price. 2. Overemphasizing pure strength can [...]

1 06, 2016

Why Physical Therapists Are Movement System Experts

2020-07-09T13:41:24-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Physical Therapists are the experts in the movement system and their ability to be professionally identified as the go-to movement practitioners in the medical system with this movement based body system helps to solidify physical therapy's place in the health care continuum. 2. Staking this claim [...]

28 10, 2015

The Dangers of Today’s Female Fitness Industry

2020-07-15T14:23:49-05:00By |

No, the fitness industry isn't perfect. But there are some downright shameful and disgraceful aspects of fitness based marketing that needs to be brought to the forefront. Nothing may be more dangerous than the popularization of female fitness based marketing that largely preys on the insecurities and the mis-information this population [...]

30 09, 2015

Running, The Most Injurious Exercise in the World
The Truth Behind Running Injury Science

2020-04-04T13:01:00-05:00By |

I found running to be the most injurious form of physical fitness a year or so ago in one of my more popular Testosterone Nation articles. To say that I took a lot of heat on that article would be an understatement. But guess what? There are more people in the world [...]

18 08, 2015

Why The Masters Athlete Is Taking Over The Fitness Industry

2020-07-19T12:38:17-05:00By |

The prowess and success of the Masters Athlete is absolutely on the rise. With a growing number of the baby boomer's reaching older ages in the next decade, it is clear that the future of the fitness industry and its overall success in enhancing peoples lives for the better is largely dependent on [...]

22 06, 2015

How to Stay Strong, Healthy and Lean While Traveling

2020-07-25T16:48:55-05:00By |

This week's guest article comes from a coach who has truly walked the walk over the course of his career.  Chad Rodgers is a retired professional baseball player who is using his unique life's experience in high performance athletics to make a difference in his client's lifestyle and training strategies. No [...]

29 04, 2015

Training Essentialism: More Is NOT Better

2020-04-01T13:14:21-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Without intelligent, purposeful program design, the MORE mentality that has caught fire in the North American fitness culture can create a slippery slope for many types of trainees. 2. With this physical, mental and emotional exhaustion lurking, get ready for a prolonged path to nowhere. [...]


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