7 09, 2016

How To Build Bulletproof Shoulders With The Landmine Row

2020-08-03T13:54:53-05:00By |

If you want to be a big, strong functional athlete who looks as good as they perform, varying your training and incorporating both unilateral and bilateral training based movements need to be an integral aspect of any effective training program no matter the goal. For lifters and athletes who predominantly train bilaterally, changing up the [...]

10 08, 2016

My Approach To Building Muscle Without Injuries

2020-07-09T07:00:11-05:00By |

No PAIN, No GAIN? More Like MORE Pain, No GAINS! What is pain-free hypertrophy training? It’s exactly what it sounds like. By using advanced training methods and an intelligent system, you can achieve both the addition of lean muscle and the reduction of body fat without breaking down your body and [...]

27 06, 2016

The Truth About Training For Toned Arms

2020-07-07T14:48:17-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. In today's fitness industry, women are mislead into thinking that they must protect their bodies against meaningful strength training to avoid getting too bulky and masculine. But when it comes to achieving "toned arms" fluffy sets of 100 curls with the pink dumbbells just [...]

18 05, 2016
  • supersets

Perfect Supersets For Strength, Muscle & Spinal Health

2019-04-26T14:04:49-05:00By |

The Power of Programming Supersets One of the easiest ways to cut time off your workouts and add a challenging metabolic component to hypertrophy-specific training is by including the intelligent programming of supersets and compound sets. Not only will supersets allow you to nearly double your overall workload and volume per workout, [...]

9 05, 2016

Build a Resilient Set of Glutes with The Pull Through

2018-12-11T15:31:29-06:00By |

The glutes are the functional cornerstone of the human body, and anyone who doesn't agree should review their movement anatomy and gross human biomechanics. The glutes also happen to be one of the most neglected regions for most lifters who are caught up in the hysteria of overly traditional training. Here's why using the [...]

18 04, 2016

The Complete Female Pull-Up Makeover

2020-07-11T08:32:37-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Even some of the fittest women struggle to increase their pull up strength enough to string a few reps together and get a training effect. But the problem isn't the way they train the pull-up, it's the way they train everything else. 2. When [...]

11 04, 2016

Is Your Fluffy Warm Up Wasting Your Time?

2020-07-11T09:58:23-05:00By |

The Slippery Slope of Pre Training Physical Preparation Do you warm up before your training sessions? By now, the answer is probably yes since the industry has force-fed you the idea of the dynamic warm up being the most pivotal aspect of training and fitness. But the more important question is how are [...]

4 04, 2016

Improving Power Without the Olympic Lifts

2020-07-11T11:11:22-05:00By |

This week I am stoked to have coach Eric Bach featured on JRx with his latest work focusing on power development and programming. Eric is my go to expert in the field of athletic performance and training, so I am excited that you will all have the chance to learn from [...]


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