20 03, 2016

Pain Free Shoulder Finisher Giant Set

2020-07-13T11:10:19-05:00By |

Want To End Your Training Week Strong? Do THIS! Sure, we all want to add a little pain free volume on top of a heavy and challenging training week, am I right? But many times, we end up broken down after pushing too much volume and intensity with little to no results [...]

16 03, 2016

Peeing During Workouts is NOT Normal and It’s NOT OK!

2020-07-13T12:17:34-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Ladies, peeing during workouts or physical activity is not normal, and shouldn't just be brushed off as a part of life. There's a way to fix it. 2. Developing strong pelvic floor control and function involves more than just practicing your kegel exercises every day! This [...]

13 03, 2016

The Simple Solution For Skinny Hard Gainers

2020-07-07T15:59:10-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Every body is shaped a little bit different and can be classified into one of three somatotypes. Ectomorphs tend to be skinny with little body fat or muscle while endomorphs tend to gain both fat and muscle easily. Mesomorphs have a naturally lean, muscular and [...]

2 03, 2016

Arm Training For Maximal Muscle Growth

2020-07-14T09:13:31-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Finally, arm training! The arms consist of small muscle groups; learning how your body responds to changes in training volume, intensity, and frequency is a sure fire bet to accelerate your arm growth without going totally overboard. 2. Spending time at the extremes of [...]

16 02, 2016

The Smartest Way To Train Shoulders

2020-07-14T15:08:46-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. The human shoulder is capable of performing an incredible range of movement variations. As such, the musculature tarted with shoulder training is complex to say the least. 2. The prioritization of deliberate form and execution in your shoulder training will allow you to optimize the hypertrophic response [...]

10 02, 2016

Everything You Need To Know About Prowler Sled Training

2020-07-15T09:05:48-05:00By |

Introduction The Prowler sled is an extremely versatile piece of equipment that offers many benefits, produces incredible results in a very little amount of time, and gives you a huge bang for your buck. It can be used to help you develop strength or power (depending on how you use it), [...]

8 02, 2016

Chest Training for Maximal Muscle Growth

2020-08-03T09:32:45-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. More so than any other muscle, training the chest effectively is all about manipulating angles to preferentially stimulate different fibers. 2. Learning to shut off your anterior delts, and triceps, or at least minimize their recruitment, is absolutely essential if chest hypertrophy is your end [...]

3 02, 2016

Smart Back Training for Maximal Muscle Growth

2020-08-03T13:06:00-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. The muscles that make up the back are complex to say the least, which is why knowing your movement anatomy and fiber orientation is an absolute must if maximum hypertrophy is your goal. 2. Determining your available active range of motion, or the range in which [...]

25 01, 2016

Leg Training for Maximal Muscle Growth

2020-07-15T09:37:08-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. The glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves are actually made up of multiple muscles and/or muscle heads, each of which contributes to the ultimate function of that group. Want results? Know the muscles you're training. 2. Different muscle groups have different compositions of muscle fibers, [...]

20 01, 2016

The Science & Application of Barefoot Strength Training

2020-07-15T11:05:02-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Improved proprioception and kinesthetic awareness are big words for what we take for granted about movement in general. Learning how to tap into our lower extremities evolutionary feedback mechanism can altogether prevent injuries and increase in muscle strength but it starts by getting barefoot [...]


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