11 08, 2015

Maximizing Metabolic Stress With Intensity Techniques For Hypertrophy

2021-09-27T11:05:52-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. The days of focusing strictly on progressively increasing training loads for eliciting hypertrophy are OVER.  Evolve with the science; be smarter than progressive overload. 2. Metabolic stress and cell swelling oriented training should have a place in everyone’s muscle building arsenal even though they [...]

4 08, 2015
  • fake health foods

The 6 Worst Types of Misleading & Fake Health Foods

2018-01-17T16:57:48-06:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. "Gluten-Free" and "Fat-Free" are not synonymous with healthy.  While gluten may just be the biggest health hoax of our generation, the ingredients in most fat-free alternatives are equally as heinous for your health. 2. Sure, certain organic produce and meat sources can be a great upgrade [...]

29 07, 2015

The Lost Art of The Push Up, Its Many Variations & Functions

2020-07-20T15:04:52-05:00By |

The execution of the perfect push up has become a lost art in today's fitness community.  With so many sexy and exciting variations of the push up that have been popularized over the years, people have simply forgotten the requisites and basics of arguably the most important upper body functional patterns [...]

21 07, 2015

Know Your Contractions For Better Training and Programming

2020-07-20T15:14:31-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Not all muscle contractions are alike.  Each type of contraction offers unique advantages and disadvantages with respect to hypertrophy, strength, and power specific adaptations, as well as tissue repair and recovery. 2. Appreciating the differences between eccentric, concentric and isometric contractions will expedite your strength and hypertrophy goals [...]

6 07, 2015

FIVE Nutritional Musts For Fat Loss & Muscle Gain

2020-07-21T15:30:54-05:00By |

For even the most talented coaches and athlete that make the gym their playground on a daily basis, putting together a goal oriented fat loss or hypertrophy nutritional program to match the needs of a training program can be extremely difficult.  But then again, that's why personal trainers aren't nutritional experts.  We'll [...]

3 07, 2015

Pain-Free Lunging: The Forward vs. Reverse Lunge

2020-07-21T09:38:49-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. If you crank forward lunges out long and hard enough, they will catch up with you, and that's a fact.  No matter how pristine your forward lunge technique, time only leads to discomfort, pain and injuries. Enter the reverse lunge! 2. The reverse lunge can be a great alternative [...]

16 06, 2015

Developing a Mind Muscle Connection for Muscle Hypertrophy

2020-07-21T15:37:54-05:00By |

We have a truly special article for you guys this week from the young and talented guest author, Ian Padron focusing on the mind muscle connection.  This one is a must read if you are interested in building lean muscle, and let's be honest...who isn't interested in building a stronger, leaner [...]

26 05, 2015

Five Female Fitness Myths Debunked by Science

2020-08-03T09:29:02-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Lifting weights won’t make women bulky, but it will make them strong, lean and healthy if you’re interested in that. 2. Save the pink dumbbells for a doorstop, ultra high rep training is a dead practice. Sticking to strategic rep ranges will build the [...]

20 04, 2015

No-Pain, More-Gain Shoulder Superset

2020-07-28T12:01:15-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. The most notorious suspect for front-sided shoulder pain in the gym is the bench press, and its many variations. Ask yourself the question, is the bench causing you more pain than the gains that it is yielding? 2. Here's why your shoulder hurt; your program ratios are off,  your training [...]


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