18 02, 2019
  • top 30 row

Top 30 Row Variations For A Stronger Back & Healthier Shoulders

2019-02-19T09:17:13-06:00By |

The Pain-Free Power of The Row The upper body pull pattern may be the most misunderstood upper body movement, especially as it pertains to developing bulletproof shoulders and a resilient back. While we know that strong, stable, pain-free shoulders depend on pulling more than pushing throughout a training week or block, many [...]

12 11, 2018
  • heat is the new ice

Stop Icing Your Injuries: Why Heat Is The New Ice

2018-11-12T18:56:52-06:00By |

Why Do People Still Ice Injuries? For decades, the go-to advice when treating an injury was the acronym RICE, rest, ice, compression, elevate. We've all heard it before, if you get hurt, you ICE that injury right away! But as athletes, coaches and rehab professionals, we need to stop blindly buying into [...]

22 10, 2018
  • shoulder health

Top 6 Exercises To Take Back Your Shoulder Health
Struggling With Shoulder Pain and Injuries? Do These 6 Exercises...

2018-10-23T08:49:29-05:00By |

Rebuilding Shoulder Strength, Stability & Performance When it comes to excelling at pull-ups, bench press or literally ANY other movement on earth, having strong and stable shoulders, and also being able to control the mobility of your shoulders and shoulder blades is absolutely imperative for performance and shoulder health. Many people fall [...]

23 09, 2018
  • hip mobility

10 Exercises To Instantly Improve Hip Mobility

2018-09-23T17:51:59-05:00By |

The Most Notoriously "TIGHT" Region of The Body Have you ever asked the average person who has been battling chronic lower back pain or a painful hip pinch what they think the problem is? As a physical therapist and coach, I ask these questions for a living. And usually, the answer goes [...]

28 08, 2018
  • shoulder training

The Biggest Mistake You’re Making With Shoulder Training
Build Bigger, Stronger, Healthier Shoulders With This One Simple Fix

2018-08-28T14:46:36-05:00By |

Theoretical "Pain-Free" Shoulder Exercises Gone Wrong With the ever growing incidence of shoulder pain among the active population, many in the sports performance and fitness industries are seeking instant gratification in the form of a magic pill for shoulder training and health. Not dissimilar to the quick fix supplement industry, an emerging [...]

20 08, 2018
  • functional isometrics

Functional Isometrics For Strength, Mass & Mind-Muscle Connection
The 3 Most Effective Isometric Methods You Should Be Using

2018-08-20T15:17:27-05:00By |

Isometrics for More Muscle and Strength There are three primary actions a muscle can perform: concentric, eccentric and isometric. A concentric action means the muscle fibers are shortening, such as the “up” phase a biceps curl. An eccentric action means the fibers are lengthening, the “down” phase of a curl. An isometric [...]

6 08, 2018
  • the lost art of conditioning

The Lost Art of Conditioning For Strength, Performance & Recovery
The 3 Most Effective Conditioning Methods Everyone Should Be Using

2020-07-01T06:55:19-05:00By |

What Ever Happened To Intelligent Conditioning? In the strength and conditioning world, strength is often prioritized and conditioning is somewhat of an after-thought. To give you an example, take the typical college football program. I'm going to use mine as an example of one I've had first-hand experience with. Between your [...]


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