7 11, 2016

The 5-Exercise Thoracic Spine Mobility Fix

2020-08-05T12:04:52-05:00By |

If you are struggling with achy shoulders and a chronically flared up lower back, you need to stop aimlessly treating the symptoms with foam rolling and stretching, and instead go straight to the likely source of pain and dysfunction... the thoracic spine. Here are the top five exercises you need to be [...]

2 11, 2016

The 3 Biggest Mistakes Trainers Make With Assessments

2020-08-06T12:11:03-05:00By |

If You're Not Assessing, You're Just... Guessing!? I’m not going to start this article with some lame comment such as “if you're not assessing, you’re guessing.” Okay, maybe I am (because I just said it). If you’re reading this site chances are you’re someone who’s sharper than the average fitness professional. [...]

31 10, 2016

Why Back Surgery Isn’t The Quick Fix You Think It Is

2020-08-06T12:12:52-05:00By |

Our inpatient and uninformed society is too often polarized by the thought of surgery being a guaranteed quick fix to alleviate pain and dysfunction. When it comes to the neck and lower back, success rates after surgery and rehabilitation are about as "guaranteed" as a flip of a coin. And often times, surgery [...]

26 10, 2016

The 20 Most Effective Exercises To Train Around Shoulder Pain

2021-06-08T08:57:16-05:00By |

If you've been around the iron long enough, you'll know that chronically achy and pissed off shoulders are the single most common ailment in athletes and lifters. The next time your shoulders are in the midst of a fiery flare up, remember... there are always smart ways to train through the pain without [...]

19 10, 2016

How Functional Is Movement Training For Fitness & Performance?

2020-08-06T12:19:39-05:00By |

With the rising emergence of "movement training" in both the fitness industry and high performance athletics, it begs the question... Does movement training actually produce results? Here's why you should probably take the hyped up movement training trend with a grain of salt, especially if you are focused on improving fitness [...]

12 10, 2016

Top 6 Ways To Strengthen Your Painful Lower Back

2020-05-13T10:50:10-05:00By |

With the incidence of lower back pain sky rocketing each year along with a chronic re-injury rate reaching epidemiological levels, it's time that we set the record straight. Are YOU struggling to develop your back or do you have nagging aches that bother you? Assuming other underlying issues are addressed, training [...]

5 10, 2016

10 Exercises To Instantly Improve Ankle Mobility

2020-08-06T12:22:47-05:00By |

Are ankle mobility issues limiting your ability to train effective, or worse, predisposing you to injuries? Here are 10 exercises to help you improve your ankle mobility quickly and effectively. These drills will address potential joint restrictions, soft tissue tone and tightness, and of course teach you how to incorporate movement to [...]

26 09, 2016

The Smartest Way To Squat To Save Your Spine

2021-09-01T11:46:56-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. The Box Squat is one hell of a teaching tool to perfect a hip dominant pattern. But the increased spinal compression that is exaggerated due to the force of the box makes this squat variation notoriously tough on the lower back, causing aches, pains and injuries [...]

5 09, 2016

Strengthening Your Kinetic Chain For Injury Prevention

2020-08-05T11:54:07-05:00By |

It's been said that you're only as strong as your weakest link, but guess what? When you push your body to the brink of failure, that weakest link becomes one of the single most likely areas for injuries to occur. Sure that sounds pretty simple, but what if I were to tell [...]

24 08, 2016

Top 5 Most Effective Hip Mobility Drills

2020-08-05T11:56:00-05:00By |

The hips are a common area that clinicians, strength coaches, and even athletes and patients have complaints of immobility or tightness.  Hip mobility is an important area for mobility in order to decrease the stress and strain on the lumbar spine, knees, or other areas of the kinetic chain to have [...]


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