13 01, 2020

CRISIS MODE: The State of Health & Fitness

2020-07-14T10:01:49-05:00By |

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but we’re in the midst of a serious health crisis. We really shouldn’t be surprised. I mean, we’re experiencing record rates of obesity, systemic disease, and orthopedic pain and injuries. Just look around, it’s abundantly clear we’re in need of a serious change because this [...]

28 01, 2018
  • recovery

The 12 Most Effective Ways To Spark The Recovery Process

2022-03-26T17:07:18-05:00By |

The landscape in the world of sports performance and fitness is changing. With the injury and burnout rates across an alarmingly wide spectrum of populations on the rise, we are battling to keep our society healthy, functioning and progressing towards achieving longevity in their physical practices of choice and beyond. But [...]

3 01, 2018

Preventing ACL Injuries with Eccentric Split Squats

2021-08-31T14:28:26-05:00By |

We Are In The Midst of an ACL Injury Epidemic The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most important stabilizing ligaments of the knee. Its primary function is to control the anterior translation of the tibia (prevent the tibia from traveling too far forward). This particular tissue is vital [...]

26 12, 2017
  • the nutrition hierarchy

The Nutrition Hierarchy: Performance vs. Aesthetics vs. Health

2017-12-26T13:32:42-06:00By |

Nutrition For Performance Vs. Aesthetics Vs. Health If someone asks me what my goal is, why I’m training this hard and this often, and why I’m so committed to proper nutrition, I’d like to tell them, “I’m training to be shredded while deadlifting 3x my bodyweight for reps… and to live to [...]

17 12, 2017
  • injury prevention screen

Prevent Training Injuries With These 3 Quick Movement Screens

2018-01-13T08:58:42-06:00By |

Do You Screen For Injury Risk In Training? The first tenet of training is to do no harm to your client. While most coaches and trainers shrug off this golden rule of fitness, many professionals in our industry truly don’t fully understand nor appreciate the depth of importance of the “do no [...]

4 12, 2017
  • box squat

4 Reasons You Need To Box Squat

2018-01-13T08:59:08-06:00By |

The box squat is one of the most underutilized tools in the gym that has the ability to rebuild your squat pattern from the ground up while adding a safe spark to your explosive strength and power work. But simply put, the box squat has gained the notorious reputation for being an [...]

27 11, 2017
  • chronic injury functional fitness

Chronic Injury and The Rise of Functional Fitness

2017-11-27T15:41:48-06:00By |

Train Hard, Get Injured, Repeat? It’s quite common to hear athletes that have a few years of training under their belts complain of chronic injury including back, shoulder, or knee pain, or of simply feeling run-down. If you’re someone that is in the trenches training hard or even someone that has a [...]

13 11, 2017
  • primary pattern programming

The Legendary Full Body Primary Patterns Training Program

2018-01-17T15:31:04-06:00By |

My Name Is Charles Staley, And THIS Is How I Think You Should Train When I first wrote about my Primary Pattern concept at T Nation, I soon received a text from my friend Dr. John Rusin, and it suddenly hit me: “ Oh crap, he’s gonna think I plagiarized his famed Functional Hypertrophy Training (FHT) [...]

6 11, 2017
  • ELDOA method

The ELDOA Method: Unlocking Mobility & Improving Posture

2018-01-17T15:31:20-06:00By |

With the daily grind forcing many of us into poor posture, how we direct our active daily mobility efforts ultimately impacts our ability to lift pain free and injury free. The ELDOA Method is a series of taught, self-applied postural exercises that improve in functional joint mechanics for any type of athlete. With [...]


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