14 01, 2016

Improve Hip Mobility With Dynamic Warm Up Stretching

2020-08-03T13:10:02-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1.  The dynamic warm up should always target the shoulder and hip, as mobility in these two ball and socket joints and the key to preventing injuries to the spine and improving performance in the gym and field of play. 2. There is a big difference [...]

10 12, 2015
  • rusin shoulder

The RUSIN Shoulder Specific Dynamic Warm Up

2021-06-14T14:47:19-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Fixing shoulder posture isn't as complicated as you think it is. Using only a band and your own body, these staple exercises have the ability to create neutral shoulder and upper back positioning and also add some impressive thickness and strength to the area. [...]

18 11, 2015

Training + Nutrition = GAINZ
The Simple Science of Muscle Growth

2020-11-09T15:17:56-06:00By |

Why do some people possess the innate ability to tap into muscle growth and cut body fat on a whim, while others struggle their entire lives to create the body of their dreams? When it comes down to it, it's all about nutrition and training. We all know we must prioritize strength training, get [...]

30 09, 2015

Running, The Most Injurious Exercise in the World
The Truth Behind Running Injury Science

2020-04-04T13:01:00-05:00By |

I found running to be the most injurious form of physical fitness a year or so ago in one of my more popular Testosterone Nation articles. To say that I took a lot of heat on that article would be an understatement. But guess what? There are more people in the world [...]

22 09, 2015

Complete Core Training: Be Better Than The Crunch

2022-01-25T09:18:16-06:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. While a rock hard six-pack is aesthetically pleasing, the musculature of the core is important for providing the body with the pillar of strength and stability that is necessary to perform at a high level, stay healthy, and look amazing. 2. The four layers of the abdominal wall have distinct [...]

8 09, 2015

The Science and Application of Blood Flow Restriction Training

2020-07-19T11:56:28-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training is currently one of the most highly debated training methods throughout the fitness and medical communities for good reason; it's showing remarkable results in muscular hypertrophy and strength. 2. As the body of research continues to grow, BFR is advancing [...]

1 09, 2015

The Smart Science Behind Muscle Growth

2020-07-19T12:18:09-05:00By |

Enough with this "hardgainer" mentality people. There is a reason why the vast majority of people, both male and female, have a damn hard time putting on lean muscle mass and taking their bodies to the next level, and sometimes end up flabby and soft in the process. Time to tap [...]

11 08, 2015

Maximizing Metabolic Stress With Intensity Techniques For Hypertrophy

2021-09-27T11:05:52-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. The days of focusing strictly on progressively increasing training loads for eliciting hypertrophy are OVER.  Evolve with the science; be smarter than progressive overload. 2. Metabolic stress and cell swelling oriented training should have a place in everyone’s muscle building arsenal even though they [...]

21 07, 2015

Know Your Contractions For Better Training and Programming

2020-07-20T15:14:31-05:00By |

Here's What You Need To Know... 1. Not all muscle contractions are alike.  Each type of contraction offers unique advantages and disadvantages with respect to hypertrophy, strength, and power specific adaptations, as well as tissue repair and recovery. 2. Appreciating the differences between eccentric, concentric and isometric contractions will expedite your strength and hypertrophy goals [...]


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